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Rules & FAQ


No refunds on registrations.  Once you have registered and checked out, there are no refunds available.  Please be certain you are ready to proceed before checking out.  However, you will be able to defer or transfer your paid entry outside of 30 days prior to the event you are registering for.  


What does deferral mean?  Deferral means you can register for another event in the future that is not sold out, or you can defer to the 2025 season.  Rate adjustments will apply for deferring to events with differing costs.


If you have a deferral from the 2023 season, it must be applied by June 15th.


Bundle discount may not be retroactively applied once have purchased an event registration.  If you would like to receive a 3 or 4-event bundle discount, you must check out all events at once.  We will not apply bundle discounts for single or double event registrations to any previously purchased single event.


** Example**  You register for one event and check out.  Then you decide you would like to register for the remaining 3 events, you will receive a bundle discount for those 3 events, but the discount will not be applied to the first event you registered for.


  • Price increase for all events  April 1st.   

  • Purg $150-$175

  • WP  $150-$175

  • Keystone $175-$200

  • Glorieta $150-$175



Respect your fellow racers. Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated.  We aim to provide a fun and challenging racing environment for all riders while keeping safety a top priority.


Series titles will be calculated best 3 out of  4.


Podiums will be 1-5, with special prizes for the top 3.

Pro Open Podiums 1-5 with Prize Money for top 3.


Course cutting or cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.  We race on sensitive trails, and course cutting is bad news for everyone, so don't do it!  Penalties are at the discretion of the race director.  


Be polite to the race crew, land managers, and resort staff.


Wheel and bike replacement only with the approval from chief of timing or race director. Time penalities will be applied at their discretion. 


Category changes are only allowed before the race.


No littering. Trash of any kind including tear off goggle lenses will be grounds for disqualification. No exceptions!


Ride within your abilities. Have fun and keep it on two wheels.


Dropping within your category.  You are required to start your race stages within your category.  Penalties may be assessed on a case by case basis, but this rule is to create a level playing field for you and your respective category riders.  In the case of inclement weather, course holds, etc, tracks and trails conditions may drastically change.  If a rider intentionally drops outside of their category as a strategic advantage over another group of riders, they will be penalized on a case by case basis.  All penalty assessments are at the sole discretion of the Race Director.  Please drop with your assigned category.  If you cannot drop with your category, please communicate with the race director ahead of time so we can come to a fair solution.  We don’t want to penalize or disqualify anyone if we don’t have to! 


Sweeps/Coaches/Parents who would like to ride along with their racer, We will allow you to sweep with your rider in the 10-12 and 13-14 divisions, however all sweeps must drop together in the time gap at the end of the respective category, not in-between racers.  Sweeps/Coaches/Parents are not allowed to carry equipment or supplies for your racer.  The racer must carry everything they need for the entire day.  Please contact the race director for special circumstances related to this rule.  


Passing  Unsafe, dangerous passing will not be tolerated.  If you have caught the rider ahead of you, clearly and loudly communicate with that rider and pass when it is safe for both riders. No cursing or aggressive behavior.  If you are caught by the rider behind you, you are required to pull over when it is safe to do so, allowing the faster rider to pass you.  Penalties will be accessed on a case by case basis, and incur a 30 second penalty minimum.  




Are there start intervals?

Yes, 30 second intervals.

Can i get a restart for a mechanical or flat?

No, flats, crashes, and mechanicals is part of racing. Racers are required to be self-sufficient and carry the necessary tools and parts to repair your ride.

Will there be practice?

Yes, course maps will be released, at a minimum, 3 days before the race weekend. Practice is encouraged, and practice tickets will be discounted at the discretion of the venue.

Will the course be marked for practice?

Yes, courses will be marked Thursday or Friday before the race. 



Can I just register for one race in the series?

Absolutely! As many or as little as you like.

Is there camping?

We try our best to provide camping or information regarding where to camp. Snowmass will have a fee to camp. Fees are for trash, permits, and bathrooms. 

is there a start order?

 For some larger events, start orders will be provided.  In most cases, riders will drop according to their racer category, and can organize themselves within that category.  

this is my first enduro, what category do I register for?

Easy! Register by your age group. 

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